
Detail Buku

Judul : English Text Types

ISBN: On Progress

Penulis : Yuyun  Indarwati

Ukuran : 14 x 20 cm

Jumlah Halaman : 153

Tahun Terbit : Juni 2023



This ENGLISH TEXT TYPES is presented with the framework of reference for Kurikulum 2013 Edisi Revisi (2013 Revised Edition Curriculum) and Kurikulum Merdeka (Independent Curriculum).

Today, the ability to speak English is considered as a measure of the achievement of individual and the Indonesian nation as a whole in international communication. English lesson has the aim of preparing the younger generation to be able to live relations with various nations around the world, besides that the mastery of English needs to be directed not only at developing communication skills and abilities, but also at developing thinking and reasoning abilities and skills, as well as developing strong national character and inculcation of religious and cultural values ​​in order to become a dignified nation.

To achieve the above objectives, this book exists as a medium to help students learn English related to the type of text intended for SMA/SMK/MA students. The material of 14 types of English text is presented and divided into three (3) chapters. Chapter I discusses Factual Text which consists of 5 types of text. Chapter II discusses Literacy Text which consists of 4 types of text. The other 5 types are discussed in Chapter III, namely Persuasive Text. Further explanation in each chapter which consists of definition, social function, text structure, and language feature is complemented by examples. Various concepts in learning are presented systematically so that students can understand easier the content and intent of the material in this book.


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